18 May 2018

Long Way Round

Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman's documentary, Long Way Round, in part laid the groundwork for this trip. But that's not what this post is about.

For those who have been following our Track Us page and wondering why it doesn't look like our planned map, there's been a change. When we got to Tok (pron. "toke"), we learned that the Little Gold border crossing was not yet open.

I remember seeing that it was seasonal and checking on its availability at one point, but that must've been before we changed our date to early May.

We're only a few days early (border is set to open Monday, apparently), but no sense in waiting: we headed for the Beaver Creek crossing and got into Canada last night. As you can see, this route adds over 8 hours of drive time.

Camped there and took the long route to Dawson City. After all, how could we pass up the Sourtoe Cocktail we've been talking so much about?

Pushed hard for Dawson today...past groundhogs and black bears...and got here around 8 pm.

After setting up camp, we headed to the Downtown Hotel for our date with destiny, but that's a sorry for another post.


  1. So how was the Sourtoe Cocktail? I certainly wondered why your little green bike was going north instead of south. Sounds like the way I navigate! lol Can't wait to here about your Downtown Hotel date with destiny! Keeping my eye on your progress! Happy trails today! ML-YM

  2. Hmmm... that mixed metaphor needs some consideration... or explanation! Like the sourtoe wasn't what it was cracked up to be? hahaha!(tossing in a little idiom with the mixed metaphor) ~Zinger rolls around laughing hysterically, pounding his fists on the ground.

  3. Got the much ado but can't find an idiom about a mile hill!
