Yesterday, April 4th, Ryan and I had the opportunity to get caught up on the vaccines needed for the trip... Mostly.
We met in the afternoon at Travel and Immunization Clinic of Kansas City in Overland Park, KS. After my brief confinement in a stairwell to nowhere, I found Ryan here...
... Where he had already got to know Beth Driks, RN. Seems I am always fashionably late.
Beth, who is very well traveled herself, met with us together to review concerns and recommendations for the trip. She reviewed maps for Malaria all along the route and was not greatly concerned. (Though she did recommend a mosquito net and insect repellent for a couple of particular places. And, for future reference, Malaria mosquitoes are early-evening mosquitoes.)
Hep A, Hep B, Typhoid, Tetanus, Rabies and Yellow Fever were the official recommendations. She also gave us a prescription for traveler's diarrhea. Some are required to cross borders, some are just smart to have.
Turns out, there is a shortage of Yellow Fever vaccines, a critical border requirement, and we were unable to get the shot at this time. Beth gave us a tip for where to get it and there will be an update in a later post.
After electing not to get the Rabies vaccine (at >$300 per shot for a series of three shots) this is what my tray looked like.
And this doesn't include the Typhoid pills sitting in my refrigerator.
One step closer to putting together everything we need for this trip, I am feeling successful!
Except, speaking of not getting the rabies vaccine, this is what I found getting ready for work the next morning:
a young raccoon greeting me through the doggy door!
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