20 May 2018

Some things since Fairbanks!

We left Fairbanks for Dawson City but the more northern bother crossing was closed, so we went via Beaver Creek.  (See Ryan's post.)
We were actually traveling the other way...

Ryan juggling in two counties at once!

Campsite in Beaver Creek

Westernmost Canadian community

Dawson City

Here it is!  The stuff dreams are made of!
Made it to the Sourtoe Saloon...

Where we met the captain...

And you'll have to watch the Facebook video to know what happened.

More camping

At the Gold Rush?  I can't remember.

Every view is scenic.

In for the night in Faro, and doing some repairs.

Then to Ross River

Where we met Neil(?), Who insisted we check out the view at his place.

Finally, Watson Lake and the sign forest.

The place was huge!


We found a sign from Raytown and left our mark.

And since you can't sleep in a tent here we are staying at a historic Air Force dorm.


  1. Lovely pictures! The captain looks iconic - too good to be true.

  2. So iconic that he's in a portrait: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Q9vZsq5eMTGQ4F732
