02 January 2018

It begins...erm...began...eh-hrm...will begin.

Here it is: the year we've been waiting for. The year we plan to spend 90 days motorcycling the length of the Americas, from the Arctic Ocean to where the Pacific and Atlantic crash into each other at the tip of Argentina. That's the 20,000-mile plan, anyway.

I first learned of the existence of the Pan-American Highway from a Oaxacan tour guide, who proudly announced that we were driving along a stretch of it back in 2014 during my visit to the far south of Mexico. Having recently watched Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman's "Long Way Round" and "Long Way Down", it was no great leap to imagine making a similar trek of my own. But that's all it was: imagination...until I shared the concept with Nick, who not only saw it as reality, but made it seem like it could be so.

A year later, I had purchased my V-Strom, then there was an awesome weekend of ADV/off-road riding lessons with BC Moto Adventures, then a solo foray into the mountains of Nuevo Leon, and later a duo-trip to the same area with Nick. And new we’re just a few short months away from the real deal. More thoughts on preparations to come, as well as details of the planned trip, and – soon enough – details of the trip itself. From new through the departure and on through the return, I’ll plan on posting here on a regular basis. I don’t expect it to amount to much, but at least friends and family will be able to stay apprised of our progress. This evening: brushing up on Spanish with ClaroKC!, an excellent local conversation group. Everything has a purpose…

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