About the Adventure

Nick Civitello and myself (Ryan Bradburn) have decided to join forces to conquer the Pan-American Highway...or at least some close approximation. Though it would be great to become true lifetime adventurers and spend a couple years traveling from Alaska to Argentina, exploring every nook and cranny both hither and yon, neither of us feels that's within the realm of feasibility at this point in life. So instead, this will be mostly a driving trip. We're looking at taking three months to go from Anchorage, north to Deadhorse, then south all the way to Tierra del Fuego before heading up to Buenos Aires to ship the bikes and ourselves back home to Kansas City.

By no means definitive, this map is merely meant to be an outline. We prepared it prior to the trip. To see our progress thus far, check out the Track Us! page. Click the menu symbol in the upper-left corner to access layers, such as potential sights we'll see and capital cities.

We've had this trip on the radar since 2014, just after I learned of the existence of the Panamerican Highway on a Spanish-immersion trip to the lovely Oaxaca, Mexico. I had only recently seen The Long Way Round and The Long Way Down, which I still hold in high regard. We've taken our time over the past 4 years to learn about the trek, select stalwart steeds, and adequately prepare ourselves and our existences.

Time has been allotted to be away from work. We determined that the latest we could begin the trip was an 11 May departure from Anchorage, though we headed up to Alaska at the beginning of that week (7 May) to give ourselves some extra days right from the get-go. Much as we don't intend to hold fast to the route in the map above, we also don't intend to hold fast to the schedule below, though there are a few important dates, like beginning, Stahlratte, and end. Still, here's a list of locations, planned dates, and actual dates (so far):

Planned Date Actual Date Location Notes
11 May 8 May Anchorage, AK Day 1: in the saddle, north-bound from Anchorage!
13 May 10 May Deadhorse, AK Day 3-4: Northernmost point of the Americas: Deadhorse / Prudhoe Bay
17 May 17 May Dawson City, YT, Canada Day 7: Cross into Canada and get ourselves a Sourtoe Cocktail.
25 May 25 May Bozeman, MT, USA (Actual: Henry's Lake) Day 15: Back in the USA, but only for a brief spell.
30 May 28 May Chihuahua, Mexico Day 20: Cross into Mexico and put some miles between ourselves and the border.
7 Jun 5 Jun Guatemala Day 28: CA-4 country
8 Jun 7 Jun El Salvador Day 29: CA-4 country
10 Jun 8 Jun Honduras Day 31: CA-4 country
11 Jun 12 Jun Nicaragua Day 32: CA-4 country
13 Jun 13 Jun Costa Rica Day 34
16 Jun 15 Jun Panama Day 37
17 Jun 19 Jun Puerto de Carti, Panama Day 38: Board the Stahlratte for a voyage through the San Blas Islands to Colombia.
22 Jun 22 Jun Cartagena, Colombia Day 43: Disembark from the Stahlratte onto South American soil.
28 Jun Ecuador Day 49
4 Jul Peru Day 55
16 Jul Bolivia Day 67
25 Jul Chile Day 76
30 Jul Argentina Day 81
8 Aug Tierra del Fuego Day 91-92: Southernmost point of the Americas: Tierra del Fuego / Ushuaia
14 Aug Buenos Aires, Argentina Day 96: Trip's end

If you're anywhere near our route or know of sites we should see, give us a holler!


  1. Bleeeeeahhh to your Sourtoe Cocktail!

    1. hahaha...that's the most common response. :) Going to be a highlight of the adventure, though, for us! :D

  2. Ryan, are you able to read the comment I made on your mom’s share on FB? Let me know if you are interested in connecting with Tony’s family in Costa Rica. Her mom and dad and siblings and other extended family raise bulls for show and have a coffee farm.

    1. Nope, can't find your FB comment. Always looking for contacts along the way, though! Can you send the contact info to my email address (rmb4466@gmail.com)?
