29 June 2018

Antsy, Anxious and Actuated

I have not been on a vacation since November of 2005. That is not a typo. I love travelling, just have not had opportunity, etc, etc. So, when Ryan invites me to meet him on this epic adventure he and Nick are in the midst of, there was simply no question about whether or not I'd make the trip. Original plans had Nadine and I flying to meet them in Quito and riding with them to Piura, Peru. A lovely week of friends and far-off places!

You all know by now that our Boys have been held hostage by the Cartagena customs office. Waiting day after day has been a constant thorn in their sides and ours. Each day that ticked by was another day lost on their ride to Quito. While their bikes are finally (FINALLY!!) freed, they cannot make the five day trip by Sunday. We've tossed around many options: changing our flights to Cartagena; having the Boys fly to Quito to meet us and then back to Cartagena for their bikes; changing dates... The list goes on. We have finally opted to fly our original flight to Quito, spend the day (we'll see the equator!) and then fly to Cartagena to meet our fellas, stay the week and then fly home from there. It does mean cutting into our time together, but only by about 18 hours. (They left May 7- I think we can handle another 18 hours...maybe...)

Counting down the days has been quite the distracting pastime! I am a theatre artist contractor, so my work schedule is always somewhat harried. June and July are particularly busy months for me, so there has been quite a bit of shuffling around and and late nights trying to finish or get ahead of projects before I go. (Is it insomnia if you're choosing to stay awake?) Add to that the stress we've felt on the guys' behalf and these last weeks have been ... full ... but WORTH IT!! I get to see Ryan on Tuesday, and I just can't stop grinning. I feel utterly unprepared for travel, but that's what tomorrow's for, right? Right? I am partially packed. Ryan has had two bike parts shipped to me to bring down, and they are in the bag. Oh! I do have a bag. And a helmet! (My first!)

(Bonus picture of Nadine performing for the camp I was teaching this week. Because, well, juggling...and because she's awesome.)

I've gotten a rain jacket (expecting to be in Peru during the rainy season). I have everything I'm going to bring, I just need to put it together.

I have been humbled by the outpouring of well-wishes from friends and family. There are so many amazing people in my life! They are as excited for me as I am, and I am exceedingly grateful.

Now, to packing I go. Errands and last-minute to-dos tomorrow, maybe a stop for bubbles at Le Fou Frog (my favorite local haunt. Shameless, wholly guilt-free plug notwithstanding.)
I have a very busy 33 hours ahead of me. Sunday- we fly!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So glad you and Nadine get to meet the guys on their great adventure! Enjoy it to the fullest, and give my boy a hug for me!
